My Culinary Voice: Chef Bill Telepan

At ICE, we make it our mission to help students find their culinary voice — that creative drive within each of us that determines how we express ourselves through food. Whether it’s a career training program, a recreational course in pie crusts or a special event featuring handmade pasta, we’ll give you the tools to hone your culinary creativity. Join us as we ask some of today’s leading food industry pros to share their culinary voice.

When we asked Chef Bill Telepan, ICE’s Director of Sustainability and Executive Chef of both acclaimed restaurant Oceana and national non-profit Wellness in the Schools, to share with us his culinary voice, his answer couldn’t be more simple: he likes cooking with real products. As a leader in the sustainability movement and educating America’s youth on cooking and eating nutritiously, it’s no surprise that this celebrated chef puts a premium on real, responsibly sourced food.

Watch the video to see Chef Bill Telepan explain his unique culinary voice.

Find your culinary voice with ICE — learn more about our career training programs.

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