At its core, dashi serves as the foundation upon which countless Japanese dishes are built, extending beyond a mere clear broth. Its delicate yet complex taste, characterized by the subtle interplay...
Its origins can be traced back over 2,000 years to China, where it emerged as a cornerstone of the cuisine. Trade then carried this liquid gold across the world, where it became deeply woven into the...
As the American artisanal cheese industry has been growing steadily over the past 30 years, and American cheeses have been earning accolades worldwide for their excellence and creativity, the words...
From certain varieties of olives and potatoes to various cured meats, to balsamic vinegar and cheese, there are certain foods that are inextricably tied to their place of origin. The specific terroir...
Before I was a student in ICE’s Culinary Arts program, the only foodservice job I had was working behind a bakery counter. Aside from reheating quiche, I wasn’t preparing food — I helped customers...
Taking the Culinary Arts program was a dream. And when you dream about going to culinary school — or at least when I did — I imagined pulling a roasted rack of lamb out of the oven, folding the...
As all the world’s cheeses are made from the same basic ingredients — milk, salt, rennet and cultures — it is the aging process, at the hands of an affineur, that encourages baby cheese wheels to...
The process of landing an externship at a restaurant is slightly different than the typical office interview process, as it allows you to experience the kitchen, meet the team and even show off some...
Of primary importance, cheese offers high value with low effort — a welcome departure from a majority of Thanksgiving’s signature dishes. When you’re spending all day in the kitchen for a meal that...
After months of demanding kitchen work, the final two days of ICE's Culinary Arts program consist of market basket challenges where students put forth their own dishes for their Chef-Instructor to...
The hands-on career training programs at ICE end with an externship, an opportunity for students to gain experience in a professional environment while making connections to kick-start their careers...
“It was a long journey to get here,” Chef Katie says. Career Beginnings With a background in studio and digital art, Chef Katie always had a creative streak. “I started out in advertising,” she says....